Our Services
Applied Kinesiology
Kinesiology, also known as biomechanics, is the study of body movement. Applied kinesiology (AK), also known as muscle strength testing, is a method of diagnosis and treatment based on the various muscles and how they are linked to particular organs and glands. Specific muscle weakness can signal distant internal problems such as nerve damage, reduced blood supply, chemical imbalances, or other organ or gland problems. By correcting this muscle weakness, you can help heal a problem in the associated internal organ.
Click Here to watch the free documentary on Applied Kinesiology.
Physical Therapeutics
Modalities in physical therapy refer to the various therapeutic agents, devices, and techniques used to address pain, reduce inflammation, enhance tissue healing, and improve overall physical function.
Trained physical therapists use these tools to make individualized treatment plans for each patient. They play a crucial role in relieving pain and promoting recovery, often complementing other aspects of physical therapy, such as exercise and manual therapy.
Chiropractic Adjustments
A chiropractic adjustment is a spinal manipulation or joint manipulation administered by a chiropractor (spinal specialist) to realign or restore proper joint motion in the body, most commonly in the spine.
Classically done by hand, although sometimes also with a small instrument called an activator, a high velocity low amplitude controlled force or thrust is applied to the misaligned or stuck vertebra to improve spinal motion, joint alignment, and to decrease nerve irritation and associated pain.
Soft Tissue Techniques
Active Release Techniques (ART) are a soft tissue method that focuses on relieving tissue tension via the removal of fibrosis and adhesions, which can develop in tissues as a result of overload due to repetitive use. These disorders may lead to muscular weakness, numbness, aching, tingling, and burning sensations. ART is used to treat symptoms with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves. Its design is threefold: to restore free and unimpeded motion of all soft tissues; to release entrapped nerves, vasculature, and lymphatics; and to establish optimal texture, resilience, and function of soft tissues.
Neuro-Emotional Technique
NET, or Neuro-Emotional Technique, is a type of therapy that focuses on healing the body and its stress-related responses by targeting the physiological foundations of those conditions. NET treats these stress-related physical and mental conditions by tracing them back to their physiological location in the body and working on them there. When paired with other healing therapies, NET helps patients get over any existing psycho-emotional blocks, which are residue from traumatic past events. These blocks prevent the body from truly healing from any conditions it may be experiencing, as well as further aggravating existing conditions.
Click Here to watch the free documentary Stressed.
Vector Point Cranial Technique
Vector Point Cranial Therapy is a gentle, non-force form of chiropractic adjustment that focuses on releasing the Dural tension in the cranial sutures, nerves, and spine. The technique utilizes exclusive cranial points to treat every area of the body, providing immediate relief without trauma or side effects. VPCT is particularly suited for individuals who prefer or need a gentler approach to more forceful, traditional chiropractic adjustments, whether they have spinal fusions, osteoporosis, post-surgery, or fear of regular adjustments. Additionally, VPCT can greatly assist in releasing stress and tensions stored in the body.